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Top Farmhouses rated by our Members

Dar Ta' Lonza Ghasri 9.00
Dar tal-Patri and Dar tas-Soru Ghasri 9.00
Dar Ta' Betta Gharb 9.00
Dar Ta' Kelina Kercem 9.00
Razzett Ghasri Ghasri 8.50
Xlendi Farmhouse Xlendi 8.00
Dar Ta' Censina Ghasri 8.00
Dar Ta' Mansi Gharb 8.00
Ta Cikka Farmhouse FH055 Xaghra 7.00
Pergola 4 Farmhouse FH057 Xaghra 0.0

Apartments in Marsalforn, Gozo's most popular resort

Spend your holidays in Marsalforn and enjoy the tourist facilities it offers

Marsalforn is a popular seaside tourist resort in Gozo. Once a fishing village, Marsalforn grew into a thriving tourist village coupled with restaurants, bars, hotels, diving schools and many other tourist facilities. 

Choose your an apartment in Marsalforn if you're travelling to Malta with your family or friends. Apartments in Marsalforn offer you the luxury of more space as well as private kitchen and bathroom facilities. Apartments usually also have private terraces for your own personal use.

Apartments list in Marsalforn (1)

Abacus apartments offer comfortable accommodation in the picturesque Marsalforn beach Abacus apartments are located within easy walking distance from Marsalforn beach, one of the most popular beaches...
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Marsalforn2 Bedrooms