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Emergency contacts in Malta:

List of emergency phone numbers in Malta

·         Emergency: 112

·         Ambulance: 196

·         Police: (+356) 2122 4001-7;  (+356) 2122 1111

·         Traffic Accident: (+356) 2132 0202

·         A.F.M. Helicopter Rescue: (+356) 2124 4371;  (+356)2182 4212   

·         A.F.M. Patrol Boat Rescue: (+356) 2123 8797; (+356) 2122 5040

·         Fire Brigade: 112

·         Hospital – Gozo: (+356)  2156 1600

·         Hospital – Malta Mater Dei:  (+356) 2545 0000

·         St. James Hospital Malta: (+356) 2133 5235

·         St. James Hospital Gozo: (+356) 2156 4781

·         Overseas Operator: 1152

·         Passport Office – Gozo:  (+356) 2156 0770

·         Passport Office – Malta:  (+356) 2122 2286

·         Emergency Vet Services: (+356) 5004 3888

Note the emergency numbers down

Accidents can happen when we least expect them, so it is good to have what the emergency numbers in Malta hand just in case. No matter if you are out at sea, in the middle of the countryside or on a secluded beach help can be there fast!

The following is a list of emergency telephone numbers you might need during your holiday in Malta regardless of the situatuon. Please note that if you are using a foreign phone you have to dial +356 before the number.

In November 2001 Malta adopted a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan in order to better manage the disastrous situations. This analysis covered possible dangers that could affect Malta and looks at the existing capacities of the Islands when it comes to dealing with those dangers. The emergency numbers and services in Malta are very efficient and organised and printing this page is recommended as you never know when an accident can happen.

More important phone numbers in Malta

Please visit our public service in Malta section for full list of embassies and consulates in Malta as well as the local council, police stations, post office and much more.

Please visit our health care in Malta section for a full list of all the important health care phone numbers in Malta such as pharmacies, hospitals and clinics.