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Best Rated Events by Members

Best Cultural Sites according our Members

San Anton Gardens Attard 10.00
Palazzo Parisio Naxxar 10.00
St. John’s Cathedral Valletta 10.00
Casa Rocca Piccola Valletta 9.00
Palazzo Parisio Naxxar 9.00
Upper Barrakka Gardens Valletta 9.00
Lower Barrakka Gardens Valletta 9.00
Buskett Garden Buskett 9.00
Chinese Garden of Serenity Santa Lucija 8.50
Għar Dalam Cave and Museum Birzebbuga 8.00

Hed Kandi

Party all night long in the Hed Kandi style

Hed Kandi will be performing once again in Malta this summer, in the beautiful open-air club of Numero Uno. Join in for an incredibly Hed Kandi clubbing night. Get your party heels on and prepare to party all night long in the true Hed Kandi Style. 

Numero Uno members enter Hed Kandi for free, tickets are sold at €10, VIP for €20 from all Celio, Tom Tailor and Tally Weijl stores. 

Ta' Qali Clubbing Numero Uno, Ta Qali, Malta July 14, 2012 10:00 PM July 15, 2012 4:00 AM +356 7945 5287 Website
€10, VIP €20
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hed Kandi saturday 14th july hedkandi july 2012

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