Malta celebrates the European Year of Active Ageing
Active participation in society
Today Malta celebrate the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, by holding a conference at Zejtun that included the participation of academics and the national ambassadors of the European Year 2012. The conference is being organized by a community set up for the occasion at Juventutis Domus. Juventutis Domus has been offering solidarity between generations by holding theatrical performances and popular culture.
Opening the conference on the 13th of April, Parliamentary Secretary for the Care of the Elderly Mario Galea said that Malta continued its investment in different services for the elderly. These services are all the time increasing, encouraging older people to remain active in their community, resulting in more than a 10,000 elderly still working after reaching pension age. Mr. Galea invited the attendees of the conference to be active in changing the ideas about the elderly.
The European Commission declared and designated the year 2012 as the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, with the aim of encouraging people to remain active and participate in society, by means of healthy ageing, volunteering and formal employment. For more information about the European Year you can visit